Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Grateful Dave

Warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Smiles from my kiddos
  • Sunny fall weather
  • Listening to music and dancing
  • Awesome coworkers
  • Coaching 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Today I am grateful for

  • Personal retreats
  • Wonderful son, with an infectious laugh
  • Daughter on the way
  • Loving wife
  • 10 day vacation
  • 100% tips

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I am grateful for - Pay It Forward

Pay it Forward! Amazing night. For the week or two around Christmas, Amanda and I make a habit of giving a 100% tip whenever we eat out. We were eating at The Buttered Biscuit in Sumner talking about when we should start this year. We overheard the waiter telling the family at the table next to us that one of the regulars had picked up their tab, ‘Merry Christmas’. They looked pretty shocked - we were stoked to have witnessed this. After the family left, the waiter came by and told us that that family had paid for our meal - I was floored… how awesome. We wrapped a note around $100 asking our waiter to pay for another couple who just arrived with a newborn - the rest was tip for him. Merry Christmas, Jake! Free meal and the gift of giving.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today We are Grateful for:

  • Blble study guys
  • Being real with each other
  • Free lunch, no really
  • My leather jacket
  • Honda CR-V
  • Hug right when I get home :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today We are Grateful for:

  • Community group
  • Not worrying about the tap water (like in Brazil)
  • Flintstone Vitamins - fun, yet nutrious
  • Modern toilets
  • Fresh fruit
  • Jobs

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today We are Thankful for:

  • Girl Scout Cookies
  • Crunchy Grapes
  • Great Husband
  • Smoothies
  • Longer Days
  • Good Friends
  • Parent's Home Missed a Fire
  • Business-Class Upgrade in Int'l Flight
  • March Madness

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today we are grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • My husband
  • Body surfing waves
  • Family
  • Good sermons
  • Running together
  • Health

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Sharing Withholds - Resolving conflicts in a positive way that make us feel connected (Video Link Here).
  • Guys Bible study.
  • Healthy family.
  • Increase in bouncing my eyes and starving my eyes.
  • Ability to read.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Community Group.
  • Spring.
  • Prayer with Amanda.
  • Diesel kisses!
  • Rockstar energy drink.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Amanda's home cooked meals.
  • Winning a Texas Hold'em poker tournament.
  • Having a good space for my quiet time.
  • Competing with Frank in Sudoku - and winning. :-p
  • Support team that is there when I need them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Solid Christian friendships.
  • Wonderful community group.
  • Spending time with Amanda - snowshoeing, watching 24, going out to eat, etc.
  • Seeing the sun and a bright blue sky in January.
  • Conviction from a good book or a good sermon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today I a Grateful for:

  • Amanda driving over the bridge to be with me while I sort paperwork.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • My new sand timers.
  • Seeing the blue sky & sun.
  • Thanksgiving dinner & yummy deserts.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Connecting with God during my quiet time.
  • Touching lives through the financial ministry.
  • - I may get the ubiquitous computer I have been hoping for.
  • Touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service & gifts - in that order :-)
  • Looking forward to the new season of 24 (the TV show) parties.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Home cooked meals.
  • Amazon Fresh.
  • Sun on a November day.
  • Passages on encouragement.
  • GTD.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Sunny days at the pool.
  • Lettuce wraps at P.F. Changs.
  • When distance makes the heart grow fonder.
  • Oswald Chambers on audio.
  • Having my own office.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Spicy chicken teriyaki.
  • Candle lit dinner.
  • Laughter around the definition of irony.
  • Touch.
  • Praying for each other.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • My parents - the wonderful visit they had in Seattle.
  • Prayer - having faith that someone thousands of miles away is being blessed by my prayers.
  • Mt. Rainier - reminding me that I am not a big as I may think I am.  :-)
  • Frank - wonderful discussions, jokes, bets, etc. during my parents trip out here.
  • Amanda - her heart to serve, her faith in God and her wisdom & common sense.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Gerber daisy flowers
  • Teriyaki chicken
  • My labeler
  • Sunshine
  • Running along in the Kirkland water front.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Dancing, music, dance music, & Jina's boat cruise.
  • My good friend Mark Jones.
  • Arranging my office so that I am now looking outside.
  • Hot-tubbing after midnight.
  • GTD

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Watching a group of youngsters jump into the cold Lake Washington water Wednesday night with shoes and jeans and all.
  • Having the desire to open up my goal software and update my progress.
  • Email banter among my guy friends.
  • The sounds of crickets (from my noise machine - I'll heard the real thing soon enough).
  • Having community group outside during the sunset.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Helping a friend move who was very grateful.
  • Hanging out at Greenlake during a beautiful day.
  • Breakfast with a friend at IHOP.
  • Call from a friend just to say hello.
  • Beautiful sunset over the Puget sound.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Keith - dropping me a line of encouragement - meant a lot and inspired this post.
  • Playing racquetball with Mark Jones - I'm up to nine points!
  • New glasses - I not longer look like the guy on 'Revenge of the Nerds' :-)
  • My community group - praying over me on Tuesday - what a difference this made.
  • Reconnecting with family.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Chill music.
  • Cherries.
  • Sunny days.
  • Receiving support from friends.
  • The Delta model.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The dance party that is coming up… Yeah!
  • Guy's Bible study on Wednesday - being real and encouraging each other.
  • Learning and growing with new experiences.
  • Being released from the financial burden of two households.
  • Floating on a boat on a hot summer day with a clear view of Mt. Rainier.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Closing a chapter of my life with the closing of my Georgia log home (after two years on the market).
  • Being able to sleep on the plane ride home.
  • An awesome Tigger mug from my manager.
  • Sunny and humid April days in Atlanta.
  • Being able to just be present and listen to a friend.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A kid on his bike who loves to use his bell when passing us.
  • Walking barefoot around the park for the first time this year.
  • Being one step closer to selling my home in Georgia.
  • Laughing until I cried on Friday while at lunch with Will - the mix of an odd European perfume and potent body odor was just too much.  :-)
  • Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on hamburger buns - can you say 'Bachelor House'?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Smile!
  • The yellow and red flowers in our driveway.
  • Walking in the park on a sunny afternoon.
  • Watching kids play on the playground.
  • Accountability brothers.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Prayer in the parking lot on Friday evening.
  • Having fun brainstorming and flowcharting with Kevin on an upcoming seminar we are giving.
  • Stinking hilarious "Mother's Day" video .
  • Other funny videos from the same guys (who met at Gonzaga University in Spokane and just landed a Hollywood contract).
  • Walking around Green Lake on Sunday – half in the sun, half in the rain.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Group prayer and laying hands on a brother in need.
  • Dudes that care enough to speak truth into another brother's life.
  • Run with Frank: the beautiful view at the top of a ridge overlooking the Puget Sound with the Olympic mountains in the background.
  • Run with Frank: dipping my hand in the waterfall and smelling the Rosemary bush.
  • Run with Frank: the great conversations and the alert train conductor. :-)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing a full view of Mt. Rainier when in Puyallup this morning - Gorgeous!
  • Giving clients permission to do things they have wanted to do but have held back - one of the best parts of my job.
  • Mojito - my first one was a great experience.
  • Testing "Life Planning" techniques with clients today.
  • Recognizing the friendly voice at the McDonald's drive thru - complementing her on her excellent service.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Giving high-tens to 18 month old Savannah.
  • Savannah waving & saying 'goodbye' as I left the gym.
  • Running into an old friend along the Kirkland waterfront.
  • Looking forward to "Dave's Annual Dance Party 2.0" :-)
  • Having compassion for a fellow Christian in pain.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Bright yellow flowers beside the driveway.
  • Being able to help someone with the "buy or rent a house" question.
  • Podcasts: Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, Mars Hill Church.
  • James 5:13.
  • Reading over old journal entries.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Watching a mom & dad help their teenage son practice his baseball swing (dad as pitcher and mom in the outfield).
  • Listening to "This American Life" as I am getting things done around the house.
  • Taking a walk outside on a beautiful day.
  • Smelling fresh cut grass, again.
  • Psalm 23

Friday, March 30, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The smell of freshly cut grass.
  • Another bright sunny day in Seattle.
  • Speaking truth into other Christian guys lives.
  • Philippians 4:13 - "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
  • The desire to grow my personal character.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Being baked by the sun this morning and looking out at the blue sky this afternoon.
  • Giving high fives to a little kid at the gym.
  • "The Laine" making the first non-Dave entry on The Grateful Disciples blog site.
  • Surprising Ellen this morning with a "happy birthday" song sung by me and my roommates over a cell phone.
  • The shampooing after getting my haircut, basically head massage. :-)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

Google (the services I use virtually every day, and have yet to pay one penny)
  • The Google search engine - this is a huge boon for knowledge junkies such as myself.
  • Gmail - the awesomely innovative e-mail that Google created with labels instead of folders, "conversations" instead of hordes of single e-mails, and of course Google's search engine.
  • Google's Blogger - Google's software for blogging, otherwise you likely would not be reading this right now. :-)
  • Google Maps - getting directions, or checking out satellite pictures of your neighbor's house. :-)
  • Google Docs & Spreadsheets - I can have my commonly accessed documents and spreadsheets everywhere I go, yeehaw!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Prayer with three good friends: jobs, wives, wisdom.
  • Standing on our porch eating barbecue chicken and absorbing the sun. :-)
  • A group of us hanging out in the living room playing guitar and singing songs.
  • Catching up with a friend riding to Seattle and back.
  • Watching funny videos on

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Being brought to tears by the following presentation: Click Here (make sure your sound is on).
  • Having inspiration to work on fleshing out my goals.
  • Dance music and worship music.
  • Caffeine, and the kick that gives me when I partake.
  • Hebrews 12:12-13.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Being able to help a friend in need: providing shelter, companionship and prayer.
  • Knowing that every goal is achieved through constant daily progress.
  • Throwing quarters as part of my tip to Nick - the 'lunch guy'. :-)
  • Sending five affirmations to a friend and receiving a glowing 'thank you'.
  • Being reminded of the great Buzz Lightyear, and his glorious phrase: "To Infinity… and Beyond".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Taking a nap in the sun.
  • Learning a new card game (Nerts) while drinking hot chocolate.
  • A goal setting exercise with community group that went much better than expected.
  • Chilling out at Zoka's coffee shop and getting some work done.
  • Being able to take a day off in the middle of the week

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Brightening up a coworkers bad day with a random gift and affirmation.
  • Meeting with my community group coach one-on-one and learning from each other.  
  • An absolutely gorgeous Sunday - seeing everyone come out to Greenlake to enjoy the sun.
  • Still having daylight at six o'clock in the evening.
  • Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a two year project.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing the excitement of a little kid as we toss a Frisbee back and forth to him.
  • Taking a run around Greenlake with Frank, having good conversations.
  • Running into Ben at Greenlake and catching up with his life.
  • Wonderful dinner and conversations with friends on Saturday night.
  • "I'll tell you the truth. I'm a little confused by your tactics." "Tactics?" "Yeah, I'm gonna keep acting tough until I figure it out." :-)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A morning gift - 6 pints of Guinness and other Irish beers from my coworkers.
  • The sweet, sweet words of a friend, "Dave, you have already made a big difference in my life."
  • Taking a random vacation day in the middle of the week - next Wednesday.
  • My mom's excitement with saving her hard earned dollars.
  • Discovering software to set and track goals and to stay motivated on achieving them.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Pete's little one - giving me high fives yesterday and showing me how to summersault with a "Tada!" at the end. :-)
  • Endless curiosity: "How do airplanes stay in the air?"
  • Infectious sense of adventure: "Let's jump in the ocean - who cares if it's cold!"
  • Fearless questions: "Mommy, how did my brother get in you belly?"
  • Limitless creativity: "You can try it this way…"

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Psalm 118:24 - Adoration for my God.
  • Psalm 46:10a - Advice for me.
  • Proverbs 3:5-6 - An important reminder for me.
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 - An important reminder of the law of farm.
  • Matthew 7:7 - Encouraging words for me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • "What is that golden globe in the sky?" - seeing the sun early in the morning.
  • Watching the movie "Maxed Out" at the theater last night with 15 friends.
  • Knowing that I have made a difference in Sean and Angie's life!
  • The wisdom of C.S. Lewis: our Lord finds our desires too weak, we are far too easily pleased, we are satisfied with 'mud pies' instead of God.
  • The convicting questions of Mark Driscoll: "Are you healthy, wealthy, and wise? Or, are you sick, broke, and stupid?"

Monday, March 12, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Saturday evening - sharing dreams, goals, and a lemon desert. :-)
  • Reading a good book in bed.
  • God testing my desire and presenting me with a challenge.
  • A Mars Hill all-day men's retreat - so much wisdom and passion shared with over seven hundred men.
  • Hanging out with Frank for half of Friday - great discussions and wonderful prayer.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

My parents - yes, I still call them ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’ :-)
  • The wonderful, loving, caring, eccentric creatures that they are.
  • Talking with my parents on the phone as I'm driving - keeping each other up to date.
  • Enjoying their visit last fall and looking forward to their next visit this fall.
  • Mommy's cheerful, "hello David" whenever I call - she just got caller ID :-)
  • Daddy now staying on the phone for the whole conversation (he used to just say 'hi').

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • An absolutely gorgeous day on Tuesday, seeing Mt. Rainier free from the clouds.
  • A new attendee to community group, and good discussions / sharing.
  • Being able to help a random person much more than she could have expected.
  • Prayer: solo, with Cliff or Rachel, with community group, with the men's study group, corporately before a Mars Hill service, during Monday night Financial Ministry at home, individually with friends.
  • Having the privilege of telling a couple to worry less and enjoy life more, then watching them leave the office cute and cuddly. :-)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The ability to seek God's wisdom at any time, at any place, under any circumstances.
  • Studying and learning from Nehemiah's prayer.
  • Learning a new word: "Supplication".  When you first look this word up, the definition is "an act or instance of supplicating" - that was helpful :-)
  • Listening to live acoustic guitar (Christopher Williams) on Sunday evening.
  • Experiencing the first day this season that the Kirkland Waterfront Park was filled with people (and dogs) during my run.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Having a dance party to Creed this morning.
  • A trainer that keeps me motivated to stay in shape.
  • Looking forward to running up and down the Kirkland waterfront.
  • The new wireless headset for my speech-to-text software.
  • A day without rain or too many clouds!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Wonderul Saturday afternoon with a friend :-)
  • Sharing and learning.
  • Thai food, mmmmm!
  • Seeing some incredible glass art and watching some glass art being made.
  • Spending time with Chuck's extended family - we'll postpone the 'poker night' until next time. :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Learning from "The Dave Ramsey" show - his wisdom, and his bluntness.
  • Hanging out with roommate before bed.
  • Snow on the ground first thing in the morning.
  • Several weekend activities that I am really looking forward to.
  • Learning at a NAPFA study group about estate planning.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Frank stepping up and doing a wonderful job leading community group last night!
  • Wonderful corporate prayer last night in community group.
  • My mom being so interested in the weekly sermons and the questions that I ask the community group.
  • "The Coffee House" station on my SIRIUS radio - I love it!
  • Belly laughter.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The sun shining in my eyes right now.
  • My "comfy" clothes that I wear around the house.
  • Running through downtown Kirkland while the lights are all up.
  • Teriyaki Madness - having a "regular" order.
  • Serving a ministry client last night & fielding a question from one on the phone.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A first date that went very well :-)
  • Being able to eat a crab appetizer and not have my stomach turn.
  • A fantastic stake salad over good talks and the Alki waterfront.
  • A mentor speaking truth into my life.
  • Having the courage to be vulnerable and being part of an important step for a long-time friend.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Affirmations from close friends at my b-day party. Wow, I am blown away.
  • A spontaneous dance party in the basement. OK, so maybe I premeditated that one a little. :-)
  • Ice cream cake, mmmmm.
  • Chilling after the party with my roommates and sharing lots of laughs.
  • My cousin Rachel for putting in hours and hours of prep work to make my b-day party such a wonderful experience. Love ya cuz!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Getting my fix for the TV series "24" with some new addicts, I mean, friends.
  • Homemade ice cream sandwiches - vanilla ice cream surrounded by warm, freshly baked cookies.
  • Listening to "This American Life" on Saturday mornings while getting stuff done around the house.
  • New running clothes that allow me to run up & down the Kirkland waterfront when it's still cold outside.
  • Discovering "Heritage Park" on my Kirkland run - adding some distance to my run with a better ambiance.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

Conveniences I use every day, but take for granted:
  • Electricity (in 1831 Michael Faraday discovered the first method of generating electricity by means of motion in a magnetic field).
  • My Honda Accord (large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable automobiles debuted in 1902).
  • Air Conditioning (the first modern electrical air conditioning was invented in 1902).
  • My cell phone (fully automatic cellular networks were first introduced in the early to mid-1980s).
  • My high-speed internet connection (on April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone).

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

Royal Family Kids' Camps (
  • The mission - "Creating Positive Memories for Abused Children".
  • Having my week-long vacation approved so I can be a full-time camp counselor at RFKC in June.
  • Memories from last year's camp - playing, swimming, reading to the kids at night, sharing our stories.
  • The joy of serving with an all volunteer staff at the RFK camp.
  • Having four months to look forward to meeting the new kids and seeing those returning.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The fact that Emily almost always laughs at my jokes - even the ones that are not that funny - love ya! :-)
  • Watching a dozen small kids and teenagers skateboarding in the Port Townsend skateboard park.
  • The port of Port Townsend...
  • Praying while walking with Cliff on a sunny winter's day.
  • Green cookies... mmmm.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A prayer-filled Sunday - walking Port Townsend & by the ocean.
  • Making pancakes from scratch at the youth hostel.
  • The concept of "Pay it Forward".
  • Learning more about prayer from 'Cry of the Soul', a church sermon in Port Townsend, a Mars Hill sermon, and reading the book of Psalms.
  • Hurricane Ridge

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • My upcoming four-day weekend and personal retreat to Port Townsend.
  • Playing racquetball with my roommate.
  • Smiling every time I see the beauty of Lake Washington.
  • Getting through a difficult client meeting where I had fight a client's denial of their disastrous situation. Being able to speak truth and not pull my punches - for the best interest of for the client.
  • My fantastic community group (oh yeah, and "The Joe").

Friday, February 9, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The support and prayers I got from my friends and my community during this past week, which was intense.
  • "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
  • Understanding that not all doors are good to go through, that if I have been faithful and a door closes, there is a good reason.
  • Feeling at peace about a door that God closed for me (MCM).
  • Feeling valuable in the marketplace, and giving it my all.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A wonderful visit with my brother for the weekend.
  • Beautiful weather for the past many days!!!
  • Being given an exciting opportunity to explore.
  • Fantastic dinner party on Saturday night.
  • Sharing stories around the table over ice cream and brownie desert.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Walking in the snow on a cold winter's night.
  • Taking a personal retreat at my friend's house.
  • Learning a new habit - getting up when my alarm first rings :)
  • Always knowing that I have milk at home.
  • Jokes that make me laugh / logic problems that make me think.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Laughing with my roommates watching the movie "My Date with Drew".
  • Another fantastic Thai dinner at Cliff's house.
  • Good conversations and prayers on Saturday night.
  • Falling asleep in a tanning bed :)
  • Warm bed to sleep in.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Learning more about myself from a friend who is willing to speak truth.
  • The anticipation of taking personal retreat.
  • A renewed desire to shed worldly temptations.
  • A thank you note from a friend.
  • PF Chang's lettuce chicken wraps.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Egg salad sandwiches.
  • 'When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don't fill it with busyness, just wait.' -My Utmost
  • Meditating on 'in view of God's mercy'.
  • Having a mentor that cares so much about me and goes the extra miles.
  • My quiet time in the morning.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Starting my "Grateful" posts again.
  • Learning from the book "Cry of the Soul".
  • The excitement of watching 24 and anticipating next episode.
  • Hiking on a cool winter's day.
  • Reading "My Utmost for his Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Having electrical power at work.
  • Sleeping in warmth last night at my cousin Rachel's house.
  • Friends to spend the weekend with and enjoy our time together - with or without power.
  • The line crews that are working so hard to restore power.
  • Trail mix.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing Ellen get really excited (two high-fives; unheard of for her) - She landed a wonderful marketing opportunity.
  • Eating my favorite teriyaki chicken and then a bacon cheeseburger with AJ, mmmm.
  • A dozen people at community group and lively discussion.
  • Watching a "based on a true story" movie about motivating high school students with ballroom dancing.
  • Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want..."

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The opportunity to give guidance and inspiration last night.
  • Receiving a phone call from my college friend John, and looking forward to reconnecting with him.
  • The wisdom and guidance I receive from older mature Christians.
  • The enhanced productivity I have from using my speech-to-text software.
  • Parents that deeply care about my well-being and are willing to help out in any way possible.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A very productive day at work.
  • Donna being so willing to get my lunch and put it in the refrigerator.
  • My company showing appreciation to Sarah as a surprise.
  • My electronic journal - allowing me to print out scriptures on encouragement very quickly.
  • The opportunity to help tonight with the Mars Hill financial counseling ministry.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Playing blackjack and Texas Hold'em poker on a groovy green felt table.
  • New windows at home to help keep out the cold weather.
  • Hawaiian pizza and supreme pizza.
  • Model trains, model planes, and miniature racing automobiles.
  • Listening to book summaries from my iPod.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The Olympic mountains in front of me, the Cascade mountains in my rear view mirror, and Mt. Rainier towering over Lake Washington on the driver side. Calling my parents on the East coast to share the beauty.
  • Comfort food - spicy tomato soup "special" and a grilled ham & cheese sandwich.
  • Meeting with my spiritual mentor - gaining some clarity and direction.
  • "Amazing Grace" sung by Cecilia.
  • The Cascade mountains in front of me, the Olympic mountains in my rear view mirror, and Mt. Rainier towering over Lake Washington on the passenger side.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Long deep prayers with solid Christians - for each other, for our leaders, for our church and for our community.
  • A trainer who does not let me slack.
  • Another wonderful Cliff dinner - pasta, green beans, fresh bread.
  • Wine, friends and good conversations.
  • Seeing how God worked in the lives of a couple who took a year long trip around the world.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • No frost on my car windshield this morning.
  • Getting some great laughs from mistakes my speech-to-text software made last night.
  • The anticipation of watching a few more episodes of 24.
  • "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-Romans 12:2
  • Giving and receiving meaningful prayers last night.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Advice and wisdom from a coworker on a difficult client issue.
  • Free lunch tomorrow - who says there’s no such thing?
  • New orange highlighters.
  • Getting new Executive Summaries in the mail.
  • Dance music! “Everybody’s free… to feel good.” - Rozalla

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wonderful work opportunity of having the undivided attention of four doctors for a solid hour (all the patients canceled because of the snow / ice).
  • Not hitting any cars on my 50 foot slide backwards down an icy hill.
  • Long talks with a friend.
  • Supreme pizza leftovers.
  • Watching four straight episodes of the TV series 24.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Talking with a good friend while walking in the park during a Seattle snow storm.
  • Discovering new and meaningful aspects of a scripture that I have already read many times.
  • Coworkers that respect my "Dave's not here" sign on my door.
  • Talking to both my mom and dad on the phone at the same time.
  • Knowing I have made a difference: "Sooo, thanks to you, we're on our way! We appreciate you more than you know! Thanks again for sharing your financial gifting with us."

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Debriefing my weekend with my good friend/roommate.
  • Having a relaxing Sunday - wearing my comfy clothes and getting chores done.
  • Getting positive feedback on my blog.
  • "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
  • Watching large snow flakes float down from the sky.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Real conversations with Wes and Denise around the coffee table for an hour or so.
  • Lounging on the couch in living room basking in the sun for an hour.
  • Solving a mathematical puzzle after working on the problem for over an hour.
  • Caffeine and the charge I get from drinking a cup of coffee.
  • Seeing the bright blue sky once the clouds have opened up.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Wes, Denise and family for having a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
  • Sleeping in until noon.
  • Watching the newest James Bond movie on the big screen.
  • Thanksgiving dinner leftovers.
  • Good and very interesting conversations around the dinner table.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Ferry trips to Bainbridge Island.
  • Basking in the sun while writing this on the ferry.
  • Hanging out with my roommate this morning just chilling.
  • Black Labrador dog that was happy to get some loving.
  • Getting educated and motivated by Jim Rohn (educated, not just motivated, because otherwise I would be a motivated idiot).

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Hanging out with my roommates at the end of the night and laughing out loud about an understated comment a roommate made. :-)
  • Drinking Mac & Jacks and eating a pepperoni & sausage calzone with some guy friends on Tuesday night.
  • The sun rising this morning - without constant rain.
  • Having family within driving distance to spend Thanksgiving with.
  • The wisdom contained in the book of James.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The waitress at Denny's knowing my order the moment I walked in the door.
  • Seeing kids climb all over the booth seats enjoying themselves.
  • Being reminded of the joy that can come from looking at the world with a child's perspective.
  • Nick the 'lunch guy' always saving my sandwiches for me.
  • Cheerfully giving Nick a healthy tip each day.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Watching my roommate eat chips and drink beer at 10:30pm on a work night while talking about our weeks.
  • Meeting with strong, mature Christians for community group leadership training.
  • Watching Seinfeld and the Simpsons while exercising on the stationary bike.
  • My favorite blue dress shirt.
  • Receiving appreciation from a client on how I handled a meeting with his daughter.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Learning about the music and life of Johnny Cash.
  • True love between married couples.
  • Staying at home and working on goals.
  • Having a church I look forward to attending.
  • Meaningful conversations on Friday night at Cliff's dinner party.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing the Olympic mountains and Mt. Rainier on a clear winter morning.
  • Hanging around the house getting chores done.
  • Clearing off some of my 'to do' list.
  • Dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' :-)
  • 3-Ply Kleenex - don't get no softer.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • 10,000 lux ligtbox during a Seattle winter.
  • The sappy song, "Love, me" by Collin Raye - always stirs me.
  • Meeting with nice clients & helping them sleep better at night.
  • The Greenlake bunny rabbits.
  • Dinner at Cliff & Hyun Ju's home.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A sunny day after two weeks of rain.
  • Carpool lanes (when I am riding with others).
  • Sharing trials with good friend.
  • Developing new, deep friendships.
  • Being able to support others in times of need.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wisdom of Dr. O.
  • Mars Hill Financial Ministry - helping out a couple on Monday night and seeing them get totally pumped up to make changes.
  • My 24/7 commercial-free music from my Sirius subscription.
  • Love music.
  • Sharing with other believers at work.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Breakfast at Denny's on Tuesday mornings.
  • Talking with strangers and learning something new.
  • My favorite green & blue striped tie.
  • Going out to lunch with Ellen & Janet to Indian.
  • Being given all the tools I need to be effective & efficient at work.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Praise music.
  • Monster energy drink.
  • Falling asleep to my roommates playing acoustic guitar.
  • Watching the Blue Angels.
  • Leaning on Him during difficult times.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Long walks with my cousin.
  • Breakfast with my roommate at 1pm - talking about our faith.
  • Worship music - singing along.
  • Knowledge and wisdom.
  • Jimmy Carter, "We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Freedom to woship my God.
  • Personal growth.
  • Memorizing Scripture.
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Listening to music.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Food to nourish my body.
  • Lunchtime jokes.
  • Reading, sleeping and napping.
  • Engaging my intellect.
  • Learning.