Saturday, December 14, 2013

I am grateful for - Pay It Forward

Pay it Forward! Amazing night. For the week or two around Christmas, Amanda and I make a habit of giving a 100% tip whenever we eat out. We were eating at The Buttered Biscuit in Sumner talking about when we should start this year. We overheard the waiter telling the family at the table next to us that one of the regulars had picked up their tab, ‘Merry Christmas’. They looked pretty shocked - we were stoked to have witnessed this. After the family left, the waiter came by and told us that that family had paid for our meal - I was floored… how awesome. We wrapped a note around $100 asking our waiter to pay for another couple who just arrived with a newborn - the rest was tip for him. Merry Christmas, Jake! Free meal and the gift of giving.

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