Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Frank stepping up and doing a wonderful job leading community group last night!
  • Wonderful corporate prayer last night in community group.
  • My mom being so interested in the weekly sermons and the questions that I ask the community group.
  • "The Coffee House" station on my SIRIUS radio - I love it!
  • Belly laughter.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The sun shining in my eyes right now.
  • My "comfy" clothes that I wear around the house.
  • Running through downtown Kirkland while the lights are all up.
  • Teriyaki Madness - having a "regular" order.
  • Serving a ministry client last night & fielding a question from one on the phone.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A first date that went very well :-)
  • Being able to eat a crab appetizer and not have my stomach turn.
  • A fantastic stake salad over good talks and the Alki waterfront.
  • A mentor speaking truth into my life.
  • Having the courage to be vulnerable and being part of an important step for a long-time friend.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Affirmations from close friends at my b-day party. Wow, I am blown away.
  • A spontaneous dance party in the basement. OK, so maybe I premeditated that one a little. :-)
  • Ice cream cake, mmmmm.
  • Chilling after the party with my roommates and sharing lots of laughs.
  • My cousin Rachel for putting in hours and hours of prep work to make my b-day party such a wonderful experience. Love ya cuz!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Getting my fix for the TV series "24" with some new addicts, I mean, friends.
  • Homemade ice cream sandwiches - vanilla ice cream surrounded by warm, freshly baked cookies.
  • Listening to "This American Life" on Saturday mornings while getting stuff done around the house.
  • New running clothes that allow me to run up & down the Kirkland waterfront when it's still cold outside.
  • Discovering "Heritage Park" on my Kirkland run - adding some distance to my run with a better ambiance.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

Conveniences I use every day, but take for granted:
  • Electricity (in 1831 Michael Faraday discovered the first method of generating electricity by means of motion in a magnetic field).
  • My Honda Accord (large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable automobiles debuted in 1902).
  • Air Conditioning (the first modern electrical air conditioning was invented in 1902).
  • My cell phone (fully automatic cellular networks were first introduced in the early to mid-1980s).
  • My high-speed internet connection (on April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone).

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

Royal Family Kids' Camps (
  • The mission - "Creating Positive Memories for Abused Children".
  • Having my week-long vacation approved so I can be a full-time camp counselor at RFKC in June.
  • Memories from last year's camp - playing, swimming, reading to the kids at night, sharing our stories.
  • The joy of serving with an all volunteer staff at the RFK camp.
  • Having four months to look forward to meeting the new kids and seeing those returning.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The fact that Emily almost always laughs at my jokes - even the ones that are not that funny - love ya! :-)
  • Watching a dozen small kids and teenagers skateboarding in the Port Townsend skateboard park.
  • The port of Port Townsend...
  • Praying while walking with Cliff on a sunny winter's day.
  • Green cookies... mmmm.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A prayer-filled Sunday - walking Port Townsend & by the ocean.
  • Making pancakes from scratch at the youth hostel.
  • The concept of "Pay it Forward".
  • Learning more about prayer from 'Cry of the Soul', a church sermon in Port Townsend, a Mars Hill sermon, and reading the book of Psalms.
  • Hurricane Ridge

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • My upcoming four-day weekend and personal retreat to Port Townsend.
  • Playing racquetball with my roommate.
  • Smiling every time I see the beauty of Lake Washington.
  • Getting through a difficult client meeting where I had fight a client's denial of their disastrous situation. Being able to speak truth and not pull my punches - for the best interest of for the client.
  • My fantastic community group (oh yeah, and "The Joe").

Friday, February 9, 2007

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The support and prayers I got from my friends and my community during this past week, which was intense.
  • "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
  • Understanding that not all doors are good to go through, that if I have been faithful and a door closes, there is a good reason.
  • Feeling at peace about a door that God closed for me (MCM).
  • Feeling valuable in the marketplace, and giving it my all.