Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • No frost on my car windshield this morning.
  • Getting some great laughs from mistakes my speech-to-text software made last night.
  • The anticipation of watching a few more episodes of 24.
  • "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-Romans 12:2
  • Giving and receiving meaningful prayers last night.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Advice and wisdom from a coworker on a difficult client issue.
  • Free lunch tomorrow - who says there’s no such thing?
  • New orange highlighters.
  • Getting new Executive Summaries in the mail.
  • Dance music! “Everybody’s free… to feel good.” - Rozalla

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wonderful work opportunity of having the undivided attention of four doctors for a solid hour (all the patients canceled because of the snow / ice).
  • Not hitting any cars on my 50 foot slide backwards down an icy hill.
  • Long talks with a friend.
  • Supreme pizza leftovers.
  • Watching four straight episodes of the TV series 24.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Talking with a good friend while walking in the park during a Seattle snow storm.
  • Discovering new and meaningful aspects of a scripture that I have already read many times.
  • Coworkers that respect my "Dave's not here" sign on my door.
  • Talking to both my mom and dad on the phone at the same time.
  • Knowing I have made a difference: "Sooo, thanks to you, we're on our way! We appreciate you more than you know! Thanks again for sharing your financial gifting with us."

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Debriefing my weekend with my good friend/roommate.
  • Having a relaxing Sunday - wearing my comfy clothes and getting chores done.
  • Getting positive feedback on my blog.
  • "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
  • Watching large snow flakes float down from the sky.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Real conversations with Wes and Denise around the coffee table for an hour or so.
  • Lounging on the couch in living room basking in the sun for an hour.
  • Solving a mathematical puzzle after working on the problem for over an hour.
  • Caffeine and the charge I get from drinking a cup of coffee.
  • Seeing the bright blue sky once the clouds have opened up.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Wes, Denise and family for having a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
  • Sleeping in until noon.
  • Watching the newest James Bond movie on the big screen.
  • Thanksgiving dinner leftovers.
  • Good and very interesting conversations around the dinner table.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Ferry trips to Bainbridge Island.
  • Basking in the sun while writing this on the ferry.
  • Hanging out with my roommate this morning just chilling.
  • Black Labrador dog that was happy to get some loving.
  • Getting educated and motivated by Jim Rohn (educated, not just motivated, because otherwise I would be a motivated idiot).

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Hanging out with my roommates at the end of the night and laughing out loud about an understated comment a roommate made. :-)
  • Drinking Mac & Jacks and eating a pepperoni & sausage calzone with some guy friends on Tuesday night.
  • The sun rising this morning - without constant rain.
  • Having family within driving distance to spend Thanksgiving with.
  • The wisdom contained in the book of James.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The waitress at Denny's knowing my order the moment I walked in the door.
  • Seeing kids climb all over the booth seats enjoying themselves.
  • Being reminded of the joy that can come from looking at the world with a child's perspective.
  • Nick the 'lunch guy' always saving my sandwiches for me.
  • Cheerfully giving Nick a healthy tip each day.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Watching my roommate eat chips and drink beer at 10:30pm on a work night while talking about our weeks.
  • Meeting with strong, mature Christians for community group leadership training.
  • Watching Seinfeld and the Simpsons while exercising on the stationary bike.
  • My favorite blue dress shirt.
  • Receiving appreciation from a client on how I handled a meeting with his daughter.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Learning about the music and life of Johnny Cash.
  • True love between married couples.
  • Staying at home and working on goals.
  • Having a church I look forward to attending.
  • Meaningful conversations on Friday night at Cliff's dinner party.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing the Olympic mountains and Mt. Rainier on a clear winter morning.
  • Hanging around the house getting chores done.
  • Clearing off some of my 'to do' list.
  • Dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' :-)
  • 3-Ply Kleenex - don't get no softer.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • 10,000 lux ligtbox during a Seattle winter.
  • The sappy song, "Love, me" by Collin Raye - always stirs me.
  • Meeting with nice clients & helping them sleep better at night.
  • The Greenlake bunny rabbits.
  • Dinner at Cliff & Hyun Ju's home.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A sunny day after two weeks of rain.
  • Carpool lanes (when I am riding with others).
  • Sharing trials with good friend.
  • Developing new, deep friendships.
  • Being able to support others in times of need.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wisdom of Dr. O.
  • Mars Hill Financial Ministry - helping out a couple on Monday night and seeing them get totally pumped up to make changes.
  • My 24/7 commercial-free music from my Sirius subscription.
  • Love music.
  • Sharing with other believers at work.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Breakfast at Denny's on Tuesday mornings.
  • Talking with strangers and learning something new.
  • My favorite green & blue striped tie.
  • Going out to lunch with Ellen & Janet to Indian.
  • Being given all the tools I need to be effective & efficient at work.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Praise music.
  • Monster energy drink.
  • Falling asleep to my roommates playing acoustic guitar.
  • Watching the Blue Angels.
  • Leaning on Him during difficult times.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Long walks with my cousin.
  • Breakfast with my roommate at 1pm - talking about our faith.
  • Worship music - singing along.
  • Knowledge and wisdom.
  • Jimmy Carter, "We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Freedom to woship my God.
  • Personal growth.
  • Memorizing Scripture.
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Listening to music.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Food to nourish my body.
  • Lunchtime jokes.
  • Reading, sleeping and napping.
  • Engaging my intellect.
  • Learning.