Monday, December 18, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Having electrical power at work.
  • Sleeping in warmth last night at my cousin Rachel's house.
  • Friends to spend the weekend with and enjoy our time together - with or without power.
  • The line crews that are working so hard to restore power.
  • Trail mix.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing Ellen get really excited (two high-fives; unheard of for her) - She landed a wonderful marketing opportunity.
  • Eating my favorite teriyaki chicken and then a bacon cheeseburger with AJ, mmmm.
  • A dozen people at community group and lively discussion.
  • Watching a "based on a true story" movie about motivating high school students with ballroom dancing.
  • Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want..."

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The opportunity to give guidance and inspiration last night.
  • Receiving a phone call from my college friend John, and looking forward to reconnecting with him.
  • The wisdom and guidance I receive from older mature Christians.
  • The enhanced productivity I have from using my speech-to-text software.
  • Parents that deeply care about my well-being and are willing to help out in any way possible.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A very productive day at work.
  • Donna being so willing to get my lunch and put it in the refrigerator.
  • My company showing appreciation to Sarah as a surprise.
  • My electronic journal - allowing me to print out scriptures on encouragement very quickly.
  • The opportunity to help tonight with the Mars Hill financial counseling ministry.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Playing blackjack and Texas Hold'em poker on a groovy green felt table.
  • New windows at home to help keep out the cold weather.
  • Hawaiian pizza and supreme pizza.
  • Model trains, model planes, and miniature racing automobiles.
  • Listening to book summaries from my iPod.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The Olympic mountains in front of me, the Cascade mountains in my rear view mirror, and Mt. Rainier towering over Lake Washington on the driver side. Calling my parents on the East coast to share the beauty.
  • Comfort food - spicy tomato soup "special" and a grilled ham & cheese sandwich.
  • Meeting with my spiritual mentor - gaining some clarity and direction.
  • "Amazing Grace" sung by Cecilia.
  • The Cascade mountains in front of me, the Olympic mountains in my rear view mirror, and Mt. Rainier towering over Lake Washington on the passenger side.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Long deep prayers with solid Christians - for each other, for our leaders, for our church and for our community.
  • A trainer who does not let me slack.
  • Another wonderful Cliff dinner - pasta, green beans, fresh bread.
  • Wine, friends and good conversations.
  • Seeing how God worked in the lives of a couple who took a year long trip around the world.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • No frost on my car windshield this morning.
  • Getting some great laughs from mistakes my speech-to-text software made last night.
  • The anticipation of watching a few more episodes of 24.
  • "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-Romans 12:2
  • Giving and receiving meaningful prayers last night.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Advice and wisdom from a coworker on a difficult client issue.
  • Free lunch tomorrow - who says there’s no such thing?
  • New orange highlighters.
  • Getting new Executive Summaries in the mail.
  • Dance music! “Everybody’s free… to feel good.” - Rozalla

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wonderful work opportunity of having the undivided attention of four doctors for a solid hour (all the patients canceled because of the snow / ice).
  • Not hitting any cars on my 50 foot slide backwards down an icy hill.
  • Long talks with a friend.
  • Supreme pizza leftovers.
  • Watching four straight episodes of the TV series 24.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Talking with a good friend while walking in the park during a Seattle snow storm.
  • Discovering new and meaningful aspects of a scripture that I have already read many times.
  • Coworkers that respect my "Dave's not here" sign on my door.
  • Talking to both my mom and dad on the phone at the same time.
  • Knowing I have made a difference: "Sooo, thanks to you, we're on our way! We appreciate you more than you know! Thanks again for sharing your financial gifting with us."

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Debriefing my weekend with my good friend/roommate.
  • Having a relaxing Sunday - wearing my comfy clothes and getting chores done.
  • Getting positive feedback on my blog.
  • "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
  • Watching large snow flakes float down from the sky.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Real conversations with Wes and Denise around the coffee table for an hour or so.
  • Lounging on the couch in living room basking in the sun for an hour.
  • Solving a mathematical puzzle after working on the problem for over an hour.
  • Caffeine and the charge I get from drinking a cup of coffee.
  • Seeing the bright blue sky once the clouds have opened up.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Wes, Denise and family for having a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
  • Sleeping in until noon.
  • Watching the newest James Bond movie on the big screen.
  • Thanksgiving dinner leftovers.
  • Good and very interesting conversations around the dinner table.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Ferry trips to Bainbridge Island.
  • Basking in the sun while writing this on the ferry.
  • Hanging out with my roommate this morning just chilling.
  • Black Labrador dog that was happy to get some loving.
  • Getting educated and motivated by Jim Rohn (educated, not just motivated, because otherwise I would be a motivated idiot).

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Hanging out with my roommates at the end of the night and laughing out loud about an understated comment a roommate made. :-)
  • Drinking Mac & Jacks and eating a pepperoni & sausage calzone with some guy friends on Tuesday night.
  • The sun rising this morning - without constant rain.
  • Having family within driving distance to spend Thanksgiving with.
  • The wisdom contained in the book of James.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The waitress at Denny's knowing my order the moment I walked in the door.
  • Seeing kids climb all over the booth seats enjoying themselves.
  • Being reminded of the joy that can come from looking at the world with a child's perspective.
  • Nick the 'lunch guy' always saving my sandwiches for me.
  • Cheerfully giving Nick a healthy tip each day.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Watching my roommate eat chips and drink beer at 10:30pm on a work night while talking about our weeks.
  • Meeting with strong, mature Christians for community group leadership training.
  • Watching Seinfeld and the Simpsons while exercising on the stationary bike.
  • My favorite blue dress shirt.
  • Receiving appreciation from a client on how I handled a meeting with his daughter.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Learning about the music and life of Johnny Cash.
  • True love between married couples.
  • Staying at home and working on goals.
  • Having a church I look forward to attending.
  • Meaningful conversations on Friday night at Cliff's dinner party.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Seeing the Olympic mountains and Mt. Rainier on a clear winter morning.
  • Hanging around the house getting chores done.
  • Clearing off some of my 'to do' list.
  • Dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' :-)
  • 3-Ply Kleenex - don't get no softer.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • 10,000 lux ligtbox during a Seattle winter.
  • The sappy song, "Love, me" by Collin Raye - always stirs me.
  • Meeting with nice clients & helping them sleep better at night.
  • The Greenlake bunny rabbits.
  • Dinner at Cliff & Hyun Ju's home.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • A sunny day after two weeks of rain.
  • Carpool lanes (when I am riding with others).
  • Sharing trials with good friend.
  • Developing new, deep friendships.
  • Being able to support others in times of need.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • The wisdom of Dr. O.
  • Mars Hill Financial Ministry - helping out a couple on Monday night and seeing them get totally pumped up to make changes.
  • My 24/7 commercial-free music from my Sirius subscription.
  • Love music.
  • Sharing with other believers at work.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Breakfast at Denny's on Tuesday mornings.
  • Talking with strangers and learning something new.
  • My favorite green & blue striped tie.
  • Going out to lunch with Ellen & Janet to Indian.
  • Being given all the tools I need to be effective & efficient at work.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Praise music.
  • Monster energy drink.
  • Falling asleep to my roommates playing acoustic guitar.
  • Watching the Blue Angels.
  • Leaning on Him during difficult times.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Long walks with my cousin.
  • Breakfast with my roommate at 1pm - talking about our faith.
  • Worship music - singing along.
  • Knowledge and wisdom.
  • Jimmy Carter, "We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Freedom to woship my God.
  • Personal growth.
  • Memorizing Scripture.
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Listening to music.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Today I am Grateful for:

  • Food to nourish my body.
  • Lunchtime jokes.
  • Reading, sleeping and napping.
  • Engaging my intellect.
  • Learning.